As Part of Beehive Book’s Second Edition of Collectible Classics, I had the greatest of pleasures Illustrating THE BLAZING WORLD, the fictional half of a two novel set by 17th century Philosopher, Margaret Cavendish. In this book of prose Cavendish dreams up what one could call the All-Mother of modern science fiction. The Blazing World is a place of animalistic scientists, spineless kings, multiverses, frightening military technology and wandering spirits. The girl who later become’s Empress takes it all for herself when flung through a rip in space-time, she finds that her captor’s ship has blown into an alternate dimension of peaceful beings.
On my part I delved deeply into her descriptions of the world’s inhabitants, the musings the morally grey Empress espouses on creativity as a reality bending force and the Queer undertones that seem to ring loudly when read in present times. As images, they are meant to bridge the gap and make space for readers to enter this world that rightly feels foreign, not because of its fantastical dressings, but because of the writer herself who bleeds contradictions. Cavendish swings wildly between imperialistic power fantasy and anti-violence sentiment. So far from wanting to depict a character meant to be a one note aspiration, I was more interested in indulging the hunger and genius of a woman born into a world that hadn’t caught up to her yet.
The Immaterial Spirits & Bear-men (Astronomer)
The Empress & Her Many Advisors
The Spider-men as Mathematicians & Clergy
The Bird-men & The Fish-men
The Herbalists & Ape-Men (Chemist)